Monday, January 31, 2011

Foundations of Human Activity

Captain John Sutter

Sacramento's history on how it became established in the United States, though short, is still extensive. The city was founded by Captain John Sutter, who traveled to the area from Switzerland in 1839. In 1849, his son John Sutter Jr. helped establish Sacramento as a city, before California was even established as a state. In 1850, California was established as an official state of the union, and Sacramento was declared as the state capital in 1879.

Sacramento in 1850

Sacramento's growth was mainly influenced by the gold that was found in the multiple mines around the city, and the ability to pan for gold in both the Sacramento and American rivers. Further expansion of the city occurred through the San Francisco Bay, which is directly connected to Sacramento through the Sacramento River. Both rivers made it easier to export and import goods in and out the city to different locations both in California and near the border of Oregon.

The Sacramento River, near Old Sacramento

However, before Sacramento was established, it is believed that Indians lived on that same land. According to, it is believed that tribes such as the Valley Miwok, Shonommey and Maidu lived around the area where Sacramento is today for thousands of years. These indians were used by Captain John Sutter as labor when he was to build Sutter's Fort, the first building built within Sacramento which still stand's there today. ( Eventually, however, negative relations between these tribes and the Mexican settlers of the time caused the indian tribes to flee for other lands.

Sutter's Fort

Today, Sacramento is still seen as a successful city, with a mixed ethnicity base. According to the 2000 Census Bureau, Sacramento's population is composed of 48.3% White, 21.6% Hispanic, 16.6% Asian, 15.5% Black, and only 1.3% Native American. Statistics also show that 20.6% of people who live in Sacramento are foreign-born.( This means that 1 in every 5 people living in the city are from another country, explaining that even though the flow of foreigners has slowed down, it has certainly not stopped.

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