Sunday, January 30, 2011

Regions and Themes

Hello, and welcome! I hope you enjoy my blog featuring information about the traits and wonders that create Sacramento.

Sacramento is approximately 97.2 square miles wide, and is located in Northern California, about 72 miles away from San Francisco. According to the US Census Bureau, the population of Sacramento in 2008 was 1,394,154, making it the 7th most populated city in California. Sacramento was the first established city in California in 1849, and was pronounced as the state capital in 1879. Sacramento popularity first grew in the mid-1800's due to the gold rush, due to both the American and the Sacramento rivers running through the city (City of Sacramento).

I chose Sacramento for my location due to the fact that I lived here for two years while I was growing up. The apartment where I lived was located in a section known as Old Sacramento, which represents how the city was during the gold rush era. Here, the standard pavement has been replaced with cobblestone in most areas, with horse carriages that walk down the road carrying people from one side of 2nd street to the other, and the majority of buildings within the town having an old, historical look to them (though, the majority of buildings were rebuilt due to the fact that the original buildings were flooded so badly that the entire town had to be raised from its original level, since it sits next to the Sacramento River.) The actual city of Sacramento reminded me of a miniature New York back then, mainly because the streets in Sacramento mainly consist of one-way streets, which I had only seen in a trip that I had taken to New York when I was a child. The theme that stuck out the most with me in Sacramento was politics; it seemed like no matter where you went in the city, people were always talking about state or national politics, regardless of whether or not any elections or changes were being implemented.

I hope that this blog will further expand your knowledge on the city of Sacramento, and that you will enjoy what I have to say about this vibrant and live city.

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